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Case Studies & Articles
Working with community, and making unpredicted benefits visible
How can we stay open to emergent possibilities, and make visible the unseen benefits of working with complexity?
Karambi Group of People with Disabilities
Transforming Lives and Communities with Regenerative Agriculture in Uganda Background Based in Kases, Uganda, the Karambi Group of...
Can Permaculture Play a Positive Role in International Development?
By Chris Evans. The word 'development' is like a double-edged sword. It can be a tool to cut your fodder needs, or it can cut your...
Regenerating Soil, Land and Food Systems in Kenya
Sustainable Village Resources (SVR) Kenya is a community based, non profit organisation, restoring lost livelihoods by creating natural,...
Nepal's First Strawbale House
Completed in 2019, Nepal’s first strawbale house showcases an earthquake shake table tested straw bale wall system costing about half the...
Kitchen Gardens, Composting and Organic Farming in a Ugandan Refugee Settlement
In Bukompe refugee settlement in Uganda, each household is given a plot of land by the government. Local organisation YICE have been...
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