Date of completion:
1 Apr 2022
Non-Digital communications for learning
Analogue learning materials for regenerative food growing in refugee camps and settlements.
This project pilots the use of radio and non-digital forms of communication to promote Permaculture and food growing within refugee and IDP camps in the Philippines and Kenya.
Locally grown, low cost, nutritious food growing builds health and resilience for communities facing crises. Gardens offer additional wellbeing benefits of green space and meaningful occupation. Despite this, there is a barrier to uptake of regenerative food growing practices. Re-Alliance worked with partners to explore how ideas and practices could be amplified and spread beyond people coming to training events.
In Kenya, we worked with Kajulu Hills Ecovillages to design and trial a radio programme with inbuilt good growing messages. They broadcasted eight episodes of a radio soap opera using local actors. The program tells stories about the benefits of growing food with a Permaculture approach and advertises a demonstration site in the camp that listeners can visit.
Green ReLeaf in the Philippines trialled a gamified approach integrating emergency food growing information with a card game, which can be shared with people in remote, disaster-prone locations.