Re-Alliance Publications

Building a Garden on the Roof
This picture-led booklet, made in collaboration with GUPAP and Sporos, explores how to grow Permaculture-inspired gardens on the roof, especially designed for communities with limited access to land.

Community Composting
This illustrated guide explores how to establish composting at community scale, to build soil health, cycle 'waste', and grow community cohesion.

Ecosans: Toilets in a Barrel
This illustrated guide explores how to build and maintain a urine-diversion composting toilet called an Ecosan, which captures nutrient-rich urine for plant fertiliser, and human manure for use in farming.

First Response to Trauma
This picture-led booklet, made in collaboration with SACOD, explores how community responders can work with people who have experienced trauma in a safe way.

Food Growing in Camps and Settlements: Collecting, Storing and using Rainfall and Grey water
This practical guide covers approaches to growing food in camps and settlements with limited water.

Gardening with Grey and Rain Water in Camps
An illustrated guide of how to save and use grey water and rain water for food growing in refugee camps and settlements, made in partnership with SOILS Permaculture Association - Lebanon, and Malteser International.

Growing Mushrooms in Reusable Containers
How do you grow nutritious, edible mushrooms in reusable containers? This guide explores one method of using upcycled plastic containers to grow mushrooms for food.

Seasonal Food Growing in Refugee Settlements
This picture-led booklet advises on seasonal food growing in refugee camps, made by Re-Alliance's partner SOILS Permaculture Association - Lebanon, in partnership with German Development Cooperation - GIZ, Mercy Corps, and the World Food Program. Translated from the original Arabic with permission from SOILS Permaculture Association - Lebanon.

Testing Regenerative Design guidelines for Refugee Camps and Settlements
A literature analysis examining the extent to which existing guidelines on camp management offer a regenerative approach in settlement design, shelter design, food growing and water and WASH. Includes recommendations for the production of future regenerative guidelines.

Toilet Solidarity - Compost Toilets for All
A review, published in the Permaculture Magazine, featuring compost toilet designs and the case for closed loop sanitation.